
Showing posts from October, 2014

Halloween or Beltane? It depends what part of the world you live in!

More and more New Zealand children with the support of their unfortunately ignorant parents and those commercial  businesses wanting to make a dollar are celebrating the Wiccan festival of Halloween or Samhain or All Hallows' Eve as it is properly called on October 31. As a Wiccan myself for over 25 years and therefore someone who considers this day as one of my 8 sabbats (special celebratory days), I am getting more and more irritated at the misuse of this festival and particularly as it is being celebrated in this country of NZ at the wrong time of the year. All Hallows' Eve or Samhain the Witches New Year, is the night when the veil between the world of spirit and daily life is thin and able to be transcended, is in fact an Autumn festival which is why you can traditionally see pumpkins hollowed out with candles sitting inside shining their light in the windows of houses. It amazes me that "kiwi" parents think that it is appropriate to celebrate this autumn festi...

Is Spring here and Summer on its way?

The past three-four months have seen us experiencing a very wet winter-On Caretaker Farm over a metre of rain was collected in the rain gage in three months and the past month of September saw us receive another 200mls on top of what had already fallen from June until the end of August. I personally am not complaining about the amount of rain as the past two winters have been dry and with dry summers also I was getting worried that our river would stop flowing and the spings that feed it would all dry up. I needn't have worried as finally this year everything feels back in balance and we are heading into summer with full aquaducts and a river at a reasonable level. We luckily had a few long-term wwoofers over the winter staying and I am grateful for the stability and constancy that their presence gave to our continuing projects. Unfortunately the builder was less constant and didnt come at all for over 4 months so the bakery building stalled and the wet weather has meant ...