A Woman's Lot in 2017!

ACEO art trading card Moon Goddess celebrating womanhood:

I am proud that NZ was the first country in the world to give women the vote in November 1893, but here we are today in June 2017 hearing on our news that a young girl at primary school can not attend her school because she is menstruating, and that the school is unable to provide her with a suitable receptacle to place in her used pads/tampons etc. The same school also suggested that she go on the pill (at age 10) to control her menstruation. Only by her parents funding a receptacle  is their daughter able to attend.

What is wrong with our leaders-is it male stupidity and ignorance still dominating our systems. The inability of this school in the 21st century to adequately deal with one of their students developing into womanhood just beggars belief. Women have been menstruating at various ages-younger and older-since our species evolved.

And then there is the third world problem that is also affecting many NZ young women-the astronomical cost of sanitary products making them unaffordable for many on low and fixed incomes so rather than go to school these young women stay at home. 

A recent request to include such products as part of PHARMAC funding was not passed by the NZ male dominated organisation in another short-sighted decision. 

Apparently according to Pharmac's director of operations Sarah Fitt because menstruation is a "normal function you have to consider whether there's actually a health need there or whether you consider that normal monthly bleeding is a normal bodily function," 

Get it together men. 

Perhaps woman could show how essential such products are not only to their personal well-being but to the society as a whole if instead of catching the blood flowing from their bodies they instead allowed it to drip into their pants and then get left behind on seats as a bloody reminder of natures gift to humanity.

Be warned. Protests, against the extra tax that is placed on such products in various other countries treating these sanitary products as luxury items, involving bleeding women leaking their menstrual blood on the footpaths would soon wake people up to the essential aspect of such products. If its alright for animal rights protesters to smear animal blood on the people or objects of their protest then why not menstruating women!

Human beings are becoming so removed from their physicality that we seem unable to deal with menstruation, pissing and shitting as if such things were foreign occurrences rather than part of our natural humanness. 

NZ needs to get it together and recognise that such attitudes and approaches that discriminate against the natural cycles of half of humanity belong in a selfish patriarchal world that we need to leave well behind if we are to keep growing as an equal and egalitarian society.

Women unite against such discrimination to end such male ignorance in 2017. 


  1. all this needs is a recepticle for the used pads.it would help normalize periods for girls so it would not be so tramatic for girls that start early.


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