There's a Lesson in it.
Gossip must be one of the most dangerous activities that a human can engage in. Not only is it destructive but often it is inaccurate and can cause lots of trouble for the person spreading the tale as well as the person who is being gossiped about. Recently I had occasion to see the impact of gossip on a friends relationship when she shared things with a wwoofer who she was working with in her garden. This young wwoofer then related what she had been told to a third party only to have the tale relayed to my friend’s partner who then used it as ammunition to confront his partner during one of their relationship counselling sessions. Naturally my friend freaked out and rang me as I was the one who had sent her the wwoofer and she was feeling completely betrayed by her private discussion having come back on her. So what’s the lesson? For my friend be cautious about what she shares in future when she is working alongside a wwoofer. For the wwoofer caution also in future dealings and par...