An Urban Industrial Garden- A beautiful model to emulate

Urban gardening is the way of the future as more people live in cities and land for growing is occupied by buildings. In New Zealand urban gardening is starting to take off as more young people find ways to recycle waste, use parks and public spaces that have been neglected. The following story tells of what can be done to improve our urban environment.

The Frontage on Lincoln Road
Clark Wholesalers 2014 Limited is a company located at 6/251 Lincoln Road in Henderson which sells and repairs new and second hand appliances-stoves, washing machines, fridges, freezers as well as supplying  parts for such appliances.
Inside Clark's appliance shop

Its a normal wholesale/retail store within a set of unit businesses with a distinct industrial feel and the business, although with the changed ownership this year, has been operating in West Auckland for around 30 years.

Why am I writing about this store?  Well its all about the garden and the plants that abound both outside and inside the store.

Under the ownership of Adrian Sharp and his wife Yuko the philosophy of this business is reclaim, recycle, rejuvenate and Adrian as a keen gardener has used the stripped down inners of washing machines, the casing of old freezers and fridges to create a beautiful outdoor raised bed garden on the concrete parking strip outside the shop.

The early beginning
of the container garden
on the concrete carpark frontage
Fridge rockery

Plants in a stove
with the "bees working" sign

Clark Wholesalers at the
end of the driveway

Moving up the long driveway past all the other industrial/retail businesses it is a huge shock, albeit a pleasant shock, to reach Clark Wholesalers at the driveway end and see the most incredible garden of many colours in all the unusual containers which normally would be scrapped.

The garden 

When the garden first began being built Adrian received lots of jeers and negative comments from the other business owners in the industrial block who frankly were confused and bewildered to see what was unfolding. Even some of Adrian's own staff made snide and negative comments about their boss spending time on such a project. However Adrian persisted in his garden efforts, adding more and more recycled containers and filling them with bulbs, vegetables, herbs and flowers and since the garden has  developed almost everyone who sees the space has only positive comments to make. The customers entering the shop are delighted and charmed by the atmosphere that has been created.

What is even more encouraging is to see such great recycling of items that would be scrapped.

The recycled inners of
washing machines

flowering containers
from washing machines

People have come into the shop asking to buy the filled plant containers and others have come in donating plants and cuttings to include in the garden. Adrian also loves carving and uses art in his garden design regularly.

Adrian's carving and flowers
inside recycled fridge

The front shop counter
inside Clarks

Flowers in the garden

Starting to dig
potatoes in the fridge container

Potatoes dug from the
container garden

This urban garden is an example of what is possible with a little effort. Long may this garden grow and may everyone who sees it be inspired and filled with joy at the bounty and brilliance of nature in an urban setting.


 Ivy growing inside the shop.

Bulbs and flower annuals, perennials and herbs


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